Visa to Russia from Australia

Just right now in the begining of autumn 2021 Australia still is in Russian stop covid list.

Thats why travel and business visas to Russia from Candberra still not available.

But you can order and get medical or short working visa to Russia for 90 days.

For medical visa you must have medical contract to go to russian clinic, guarantee letter form inviting side and information about your visit must be put and declared in russian gov. site gosuslugi. Our moscow company can help you to get it.

Other way to go Russia now is to get short working visa for technical support. We aslo help our clients from Australia to get it.

If you have wife or husband in Russia you can try to get private visa.

If australian passport holder need to be in Russia for long time more than 90 days best way is to get permit to live in Russia. If you need to get russian visa or permit to live in Russia you can contact our company and we will surely help you. Our moscow tel +7 495 220-82-81 + 7 495 542-13-33 WA + 7 985 220-82-81

Russian consulate in Australia.

78 Canberra Avenue, Griffith, ACT 2603
Telephone: +61(2) 6295 9474
Fax: +61(2) 6295 1001